
Sunday 16 January 2022

I miss our dog Meg

We have had Meg for 6 months one night she chased a car out of our driveway, and she doesn't usually chase cars, so we thought she was playing with scratch our cat and the next morning as my mum was going to work meg was in our drive way she had been hit by a car, we all thought she somehow tried to get back home so we could help her but it was to late. Meg was a good dog, she was playful and cuddly but sometimes a bit annoying but we all still love her. The morning we found her we all cried and cuddled each other sadly we all miss her and always will.

Wednesday 12 January 2022

Going to Auckland for my brother's Birthday

 On the 4th of January my family, Aunty, Uncle and my brother's favourite cousin went to Rainbows End we stayed in Auckland for two days on my brothers birthday we went to Rainbows End and the next day we went to Snowplanet we stayed in a hotel called Kiwi Airport Hotel. Here's a photo of my brother on his Birthday.

Going fishing with my Grandparents

Just before new year my cousin, grandparents and I went fishing. We were staying on the boat with them for four days. So instead of lighting off fire works with my family I stayed on my grandparents boat. When we were fishing instead of using fish as bait, we used dough and with that dough my granny caught one Yellowtail. Here's a photo of me and my granny fishing with our sprat lines.

Friday 24 December 2021

Going on the Boats

On Sunday the week before Christmas my family and I went on the boat.  Some of us went fishing and diving and we played kubb on the beach as well. When we were on the dinghy we saw some little but fast sting rays in the shallow that's why I didn't go swimming at that beach. Here are some photos of us and our dog Meg.

Friday 3 December 2021

Play Make Create Week 7 Term 4

On Friday, we did Play Make Create. This is where the teacher reads you a story and you

discuss the message in the story. Then you create something based on the message and also

do a piece of writing. You can use materials or make a digital creation.  This week Mrs Craig

read the book: Stinkosaurus Saves Christmas

 It was about how even the most unlikely people can turn out to be a hero.

I chose to make a helicopter with my friend Aumaarire.

Here is my Work.

Friday 19 November 2021

Vaseline Saucer Pet Day

We have Pet Day at Ohaeawai School every year and one of the activities we do is to create a symmetrical design on a saucer using flower petals. You put Vaseline on the saucer first to make the flowers stick. That’s why they are called Vaseline Saucers. Here is a pic of me with mine:

Thursday 18 November 2021

Mosiac Art

We have been learning about using apps on our Chromebook to create images that look like mosaics or stained glass windows. We used Google Draw to make some and some people also used Sumopaint. Here is the image I made using a Google Draw. I chose to do a wolf, because wolves are my favourite animal.